
With the pagination system of SmartInvs, you can easily create pages for your inventories.

Get a Pagination

To get the Pagination object of your InventoryContents, simply call its pagination() method.

Use a Pagination

Now, we'll see how to use this pagination in our inventory.

First, we need to set some informations for our pagination, we'll use the setItems(ClickableItem...) method to set all our items to the object.

Then we can also use the setItemsPerPage(int) method to tell to our pagination how many items we want per page, the default value is 5.

Okay, now, let's see the available getters:

Method Name Description
getPage Returns the actual page
getPageItems Returns the items for the actual page, the returned array will always be of the size of the pagination's items per page
isFirst Returns true if the actual page is the first page, else it returns false
isLast Returns true if the actual page is the first page for the given items, else it returns false

Then to change the actual page, several methods are availables:

  • first() to set the page to the first
  • last() to set the page to the last non-empty
  • previous() to go one page backward, if possible
  • next() to go one page forward, if possible

And finally, to add our items to our inventory, we can either use the getPageItems() method and put the items manually, or we can use addToIterator(SlotIterator) to automatically add our items from a Slot Iterator.


public void init(Player player, InventoryContents contents) {
    Pagination pagination = contents.pagination();

    ClickableItem[] items = new ClickableItem[22];

    for(int i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
        items[i] = ClickableItem.empty(new ItemStack(Material.CHORUS_FRUIT, i));


    pagination.addToIterator(contents.newIterator(SlotIterator.Type.HORIZONTAL, 1, 1));

    contents.set(2, 3, ClickableItem.of(new ItemStack(Material.ARROW),
            e ->, pagination.previous().getPage())));
    contents.set(2, 5, ClickableItem.of(new ItemStack(Material.ARROW),
            e ->,;

public void update(Player player, InventoryContents contents) {}

And this is the result, when applied to a basic chest inventory with 3 rows:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""