Getting Started

We will see here how to create your first inventory using the SmartInvs API.

SmartInventory Builder

First, get your SmartInventory.Builder item using the method SmartInventory.builder(), then build your inventory with the different parameters:

Parameter Description Default value
id Sets the id of the inventory, so you can use it later to check if the player's opened inventory is your custom inventory, per example. unknown
title Sets the title of the inventory. Empty String
type Sets the type of the inventory. CHEST
size Sets the rows and the columns amount of the inventory, for types supporting it, like chests. 6 Rows, 9 Columns
closeable Defines if the inventory can be closed by the player or not. true
parent Sets the parent of the inventory, so you can use it later to open it when the player clicks on a "Back" item, per example. None
listener Adds an event listener for the inventory. (Can be called multiple times)
Available events: InventoryClickEvent, InventoryCloseEvent, InventoryOpenEvent, PluginDisableEvent, PlayerQuitEvent, InventoryDragEvent
provider (Mandatory) Sets the content provider for this inventory. None

When all of your parameters are defined, use the method build() to create your SmartInventory. We recommend to put the inventory in a constant in order to load it only once.


public static final SmartInventory INVENTORY = SmartInventory.builder()
        .provider(new MyProvider())
        .size(4, 9)
        .title(ChatColor.RED + "Unclosable inventory!")

Then, to open the inventory:;

Context-dependent Example

public static SmartInventory getInventory(Player player) {
        return SmartInventory.builder()
                .provider(new MyProvider(player))
                .size(3, 9)
                .title("Inventory of " + player.getName())



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